GIMP 2.10 Tutorial: All Layer Modes Explained Davies Media Design 58:32 6 years ago 94 181 Далее Скачать
Basics of Layers & Masks Explained ~ GIMP 2.10.24 Tutorial Chris' Tutorials 15:37 3 years ago 31 891 Далее Скачать
GIMP Basics: Intro to Layers and Advanced Layers (GIMP 2.10) Davies Media Design 1:00:32 Streamed 6 years ago 159 300 Далее Скачать
GIMP 2.10 Basics: Create a New Layer (All Features Explained) Davies Media Design 20:19 5 years ago 32 930 Далее Скачать
GIMP Layers and Layer Masks Explained | In-Depth GIMP Basics Tutorial Davies Media Design 45:53 4 years ago 138 202 Далее Скачать
Better Color & Contrast - GIMP Beginner Levels, Layers, & Layer Modes Tutorial TinkerzLab ™ 9:57 1 year ago 4 922 Далее Скачать
GIMP 2.10 - Layers Beginners Tutorial - Learn GIMP Basics DCP Web Designers 28:47 3 years ago 3 797 Далее Скачать